It’s Time To Go…


I’m selling my home.

The children and I moved here 11 years ago. In that time I have parented 5 children, ranging in age from 6 weeks to 28 years, done some yelling, crying, laughing, silliness, been afraid and fearless, became less physically able, and learnt to live on my own and love it.

There were 4 dogs and 5 cats (not counting the visiting grand kitties) at different times. There were birthday parties, round the fire parties, handbag parties and sumptuous afternoon teas. There was quiet meditation, Meetings for Worship, playing chase in the dark, hiding in The Box Thing and crazy dancing. There has been veggie gardens, fruit trees, mud slides and herb gardens. There have been experiments, art work, loud games of Uno and the occasional mishap. This house has seen a lot.

When I found this house, it was dark and gloomy and sad. I am leaving it bright and airy and full of expectation of the next family to fill it. There’s room for swings, trampolines, climbing frames and forts (we had those too). There’s room for kicking the ball or batting it, room for running around and having fun.

As I move into the next stage of my life, I wish for this house a family full of hopes, dreams and wishes. Blessed be.




My Artwork on my Skin